Thursday, 2 February 2012

Spinach pie and Italian beans

As you know, I love my veggies and we try to grow as many as possible on our land. We had some friends round for lunch recently, so I picked some spinach, chives, mint and parsley out of the garden and made a spinach pie. As you know, I love my veggies and we try to grow as many as possible on our land. We had some friends round for lunch recently, so I picked some spinach, chives, mint and parsley out of the garden and made a spinach pie. Here’s how I did it:

Spinach pie
Take a bunch of fresh spinach, mint and parsley along with a 5 or 6 spring onions. Wash, cut them roughly, place in a bowl and steam in the microwave. When softened add 6 eggs, 250g ricotta cheese, 250g feta, 2 tsp nutmeg and pepper. Mix all together.
Take a packet of filo pastry and use half for the base. Brush the sheets with melted butter or oil before layering. Add the spinach filling then lay the rest of the sheets on top, oiling between them again.  Once all is layered make sure the top is brushed with oil too, then make light diagonal criss-cross incisions with a knife. Cook in the oven at 180°C for about 30-40 minutes, until golden brown.

To serve with this I did my very simple but delicious Italian beans:
Italian beans
Put 1/3 cup olive oil in a saucepan and gently fry 6 cloves of chopped garlic and a 1/4 cup of roughly chopped, fresh rosemary. Once soft, add a can of chopped tomatoes. Keep stirring over a gentle heat until the oil and tomato are combined.  Then add 2 cans of cannellini beans and stir until warm and combined.

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